DJM-2000's Isolator FX, the <a href="/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx?item=web%3a%7b7FDDE42D-6700-498F-A2E2-6C87F3655680%7d%40en-US\%22>DJM-900NXS' X-Pad and the <a href="/en-us/product/effector/archive/efx-1000//">EFX-1000's multiple FX chaining - have been evolved and brought together into one unit.</p>\n<p>Simplifying these concepts even further, the RMX-1000 uses intuitive DJ controls to manipulate several parameters in macro. While the unit is incredibly simple to operate, you can still create a totally unique sound with Pioneer's remixbox&trade; editing software. remixbox&trade; allows you to completely customize the RMX-1000 hardware to your own performance style and load it up with your own banks of samples.</p>\n<p>Using the RMX-1000 as a USB controller for the included RMX-1000 VST / AU plug-ins gives DJs the same hands-on feel they get with studio DJ mixes, to breath new life into studio productions and save them from hours of editing.</p>","Filters":null}],"Translations":[],"FiltersOrder_InfoTexts":[],"SortOptions":[],"Groovings":[]}" />

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